Mahe- a day out

I have always been fortunate enough to have been close to the sea shore .from marina to Calicut its been a delightful experience.its wonderful to smell the ozone with a tinge of rotting fish,the salty tang at your lips,the sun stroking your face and the wind howling behind and playing games with your hair.its been a passionate love affair indeed. I love beaches and the purity associated with them.theres no one between you and the beach,I have poured my heart out during many a walk along the NITK Beach.My triumph,my anxiety and fickleness and joy were all a part of the relationship we shared.for me one beach is merely a continuation of the other.thus when I landed on the mahe beach it was like homecoming. It killed me though to not to enter the water and play around but nothing was the perfect setting.the white sands firm under your feet,the bluish green waters,the flock of sea gulls that kept pecking out tiny worms and the vast ocean stretching out like a giant serpent .do visit mahe’s muzhappelinginad beach ,with its drive in feature its one of a kind.